lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2007

Final Task

While browsing through the different Educating Rita`s sites there was one question which kept rumbling in my mind. " Education gives you a choice. How does Willy Russell show this through the changes made in Educating Rita?"

I think that Educating Rita shows thetwo sides of the same coin. On the one hand , we have Rita who has clearly developed herself and Education has had a great contribution to this development. However, she has already had choices . Imean she had the choice to decide whether she wanted to be an ordinary hairdresser and housewifw for the rest of her life, or if she prefered to do something in order to go beyond that barrier imposed by her close-knitted family group. She had the choice to spend the rest of her life with someone who had no expectations, no ambitions and to choose what to do. So I think Education served as kind of springboard between her burning desires and the opportunity to make these dreams come true. Education is definitely a powerful tool which can give anyone the means to fulfill their goals , their objectives but we can have choices ( and I think Rita has proved this to be possible) even if we don`t have education. As existentialists say " we always make choices even when we refuse to choose".

Now Frank as the teacher helped her to grow . He didn`t despise her because she belonged to a lower class. He allowed her to dream and that was very generous of him. I believe that we, as teachers, should always give students the opportunity to achieve their dreams. we are as responsable as them about their education. Therefore we cannot charge everything on Education. I mean we are part of the education, parents are also part of it. So whenever we can a student who wants to fly we have to provide them with the tools to do it. We do not have to prevent them from flying. Even if they make a mistake , that is also part of their learning process. In fact, Rita made mistakes while going through this Educational path. However, she did learn a lot!!

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2007

Programme of study

Question 5

Do you think Rita has gained or suffered as a result of her education?

I think Rita has experienced both. She has gained lots of things. First of all, she has gained a new life, knowdge, self-confidence among other things. Yet, in the process she has suffered a big deal. She has had to make decisions which of course were not easy to take. An as many important matters in life, making decisions can be difficult at times. Still, Ithink Rita gained a lot more than what she suffered.

Programme of study

Question 10

In what way is Educating Rita a play about the clash of class and culture?

Taking into account the play as a whole, I think it is in a way a clash of classes and culture. Rita, which is the embodiment of lower class, as well as a kind of rudimentary woman who goes to this open university looking for a change in her life. She wants to be refined , she wants to be independent. On the other hand, there is Frank, a well-educated teacher who in spite of his knowledge and class cannot cope with his life. Despite of the fact that they belong to different worlds, they get on really well and help each other. That`s way I think that in a way there is some kind of clash between them. Still, this clash can be called a blending of classes more than a clash of culture. In the development of these characters, the word clash gives the idea of pairs strongly opposed ,and here as the story is portrayed , and though characters are quite different, they are able to interact with each other perfectly well.

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2007


What have been the main contributions of Existentialism to Modern Ethics?

Have you ever thought that things happen without any logical or rational explanation? Have you ever acted passionately following your feelings and convictions without caring about others? Have you ever made choices which entailed commitment and responsibility? If you have , you acted following the main themes of Existentialism.

Even though Existentialism was highly regarded during the 19th and 20th centuries, its main themes are part and parcel of today`s modern ethics. Its ideas of individual Existence, Freedom and Choice, together with their anti-rationalistic position are clearly found in most human decisions. For Existentialists, all human beings try to approach perfection by trying to find their own unique vocation. They try to reach the highest good by making decisions which are completely subjective and by no means they resemble one another.

Furthermore, Existentialists consider that all human beings are different from plants and animals for the soul reason that only , we, humans are capable of making choices. We are all free to choose, even when we decide no to do it. Thus, every time one makes choices one starts to create one`s own nature.
And the fact that one starts making choices, as once the well-known French Philosopher, Paul Sartre , said, one starts taking responsibility and being committed to the those choices. However, one must not forget that feelings of anxiety and Dread may appear . These feelings have to do with the necessity to find justifications for the choices made.

All in all, Existentialism has been greatly considered as one of the most important philosophical movements of the last two centuries, making great contributions to the Ethics of today`s world. The Ethics that every person applies when making choices. Even the simplest choice carries with itself some kind of Existential thought.

Lucia Perzhalo

Ethics and Deontology , Liceo Cultural Britanico


Article on Existentialism

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2007

Act 2 Scenes 6 and 7

The end of the story

These last two scenes show these ideas that after all we have said and done we come back to our roots. we make a distiction of what is worth it from what is not.. It also makes out the concept of "choice", to be able to make choices in life. The importance of taking some kind of responsability when making choices and if we feel we were wrong , we face it and we go on with our life.

Scene six starts with Frank calling to Rita`s house to let her know that he has entered her for the examination.

So in scene seven Rita goes to Frank`s place to greet him for Christmas and finds him packing all his stuff to go Australia. H e tells her that the university has decided no to dismiss him but to send him to Australia.

The interesting part in this scene arises when Rita tells Frank that she has come to see him and tell him she he is really a good teacher. She tells him that after all she has told him she realizes that he has influenced her for the better. She also tells him that she has chosen herself in spite of all her obstacles and that it is her and only her the one who is going to start a new life. She is not sure if she is going to go to France with Tyson and his group or if she is going to stay with her mum or even to have a baby,she is not sure of anything but she. It is in this moment when Frank gives her a dress that he has bought for her. he makes it clear that he has bought the dress thinking in the woman more than in the educated. Here Frank`s feelings are seen overtly without any kind of restriction. And Rita responds to this by giving him a hair cut. From my point of view Rita`s hair cut could embody Frank`s new life. In fact when she says that she is going to take years off Frank she may mean than life is going to give him a second chance. It is the hair cut and the trip to Australia a possibility to make a new fresh start. However, I don`t think Rita will be part of it. I think that from the beginning Rita has had very clear objectives. She has been able to separate the man from the teacher. On the contrary, It is Frank the one who gets confused. Well, it is at this right moment that he has the opprtunity to start again.

Act 2 Scenes 4 and 5

These two scenes are really telling!! First of all it is in scene four that we learn Frank hidden passion for poetry. It is here when he gives Rita part of his works as a poet. But at first he doesn`t tell her the truth , he wants her to be able to discover it . In fact, he gives her the task to be able to elaborate a critical assessment of an lesser known English poet. By doing this I think he has two aims: first he wants Rita to keep on developing her critical thinking without resorting to any other`s opinion, secondly he wants her to realize of his hidden passion.
However, this event leads to a terrible argument among them because when Rita tells him that he should start writng again he becomes really ironic and tells her that he should also change his name. He even becomes kind of reprouchful to her by telling her she has now got the knack to understand any kind of "shit" she reads. It is here, at this point when Rita expresses very simply what he cannot bearand it is this new Rita what he cannot bear, he cannot bear the fact that she can perfectly do without him . She has become in an entirely new person now. She feels she can do on her own. She has really made progress. However, we can see Frank has fallen behind. At the beginning of the play it is Rita the one that needs Frank desperately, but now things are the other way about. The difference is that now Rita has wings and she is not willing to stay inside a cage any longer she wants to fly and Frank cannot cope with this idea. the idea of Rita leaving him, making a new fresh start.

Act 2 Scenes 2 and 3

Scene two starts with Rita`s new voice. She has changed her voice because Trish ,her new classy friend, has told her that this voice is much more refined that the other one. In fact, Rita thinks that this new voice is part and parcel of talking properly. Of course, Rita`s decision really pisses Frank a big deal. H ecannot understand why she wants to be a person she is not. That`s why he tells her that she is not a " dalek" and that she has to be herself. Yet, Rita ignores Frank`s comments and keeps on talking about the heated dicussion she has had on the grass with some students who have dared to compare Chatterley with Sons and Lovers. In fact Rita feels that these people know nothing about Literature and that they cannot look down on Lawrence by comparing such good novel with the crap they are comparing it. Here we can clearly see how superior Rita feels. Infact, she feels in the position of a Literature expert. She feels like discussing even correcting peers. this , of course, makes Frank a bit uneasy. He realizes that Rita has become completely independent even arrogant at times. Whatsmore, Rita finishes this scene by telling Frank that after this heated discussion she has made friends with these students and that they have invited her to go to France with them for Christmas time. She also mentions a boy called Tyson who likes Rita. This clearly pisses Frank a lot to the point that scene three starts with Frank being completely drunk.

Frank has been teaching completely drunk. Of course this will cause him lots of trouble. However, he feels there is nothing wrong with being drunk as long as he can keep on giving the lecture. This is a hint on how lost Frank is. Here we can perfectly realized that without Rita Frank feels his life has no sense. Rita has filled his life with joy but now she seems to be having a new life, alife in which Frank doesn`t feel like fitting ; he feels completely at a loss. However, Rita is also becoming a bit at a loss. Here we see how difficult it is for Rita to express her own ideas without letting others to influence her. At this point I think she also may feel a bit confused.

educating rita - Busqueda Google de imágenes

educating rita - Busqueda Google de imágenes

Act 2 Scene 1

In this scene Rita comes back from her trip to London ( summer school). Here we can see a new Rita , a woman who has experienced life in a completly different way. Now she is surrounded by classy - as she calls them- people and she has been able to stand up for herslef for the first time. It is now that we can clearly distinguish this Rita from the one she used to be. She is more mature, self-confident with even a clear picture of what she wants and what doesn`t want for her life. On the other hand we see Frank who seems to be completely puzzled by Rita`s change.
He seems to be at a loss at times. In my opinion there are two important factors that may cause Frank`s attitude: on the one hand it can be difficult to accept that the person who used to dependent 100% on you has now started to be more independent. And on the other hand Frank`s life has been quite empty till Rita arrived. And now that she has started having new friends he may be jelous even scared that she might leave him making him feel empty again.

sábado, 27 de octubre de 2007

Act 1 , Scenes 7 and 8

In these two scenes we are presentedwith two main conflicts: Rita`s low esteem and fear to face people of higher social classes. Also, Rita`s main decision to leave her husband and move to her mother`s house. Another important issue is Frank`s attitude towards Rita.
When Frank invites Rita to a party at his place, Rita gets really puzzled; on the one hand her inner desire to start getting on with people from higher classes and on the other hand her fear of being looked down on. Also, she feels that Frank thinks she is a funny object with which people can have some fun. Of course, evrything is in Rita`s mind and these thoughts are triggered off by her lack of self-esteem. Here I think thta Rita`s attitude is the expected one. I mean one can try to make progress in life and that is perfect. However, one cannot change their essence, the real self. Rita is trying to be different, she really wants to get some knowdge but in this desperate search she forgets about her essence ( I think this will never change, no matter what one learns).Another important decision is leaving her husband. In she doing so , she realizes that to achieve her objectives her husband is a kind of burden that pulls her down and does not allow her to be what she desperately needs to.
one important point here is Frank`s support. He is really supportive with Rita`s choice and at the same time he plays the role of a shrink who not only listens to her but also he sympathises with her. Here he acts more like a good friend than as a teacher. Rita trust in him that it is clearly seen when she enters his study carrying her suitcase ( sth which makes Frank aware of Rita`s current affair).an It is here when he comments on her essay On Macbeth , and despite her lack of academic language, Frank strongly support it. here he clearly shows his human side , he really cares about Rita, not only as a student but also as a unique human being capable of writing the most wonderful essays in spite of the language.

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2007

Act 1. Scene 6

In this scene we met a very enthuthiastic Rita. After going to the theatre Rita felt like writing an essay about it. However, her poor language prevents her from giving a proper opinion. Yet, little by little we can see how she is being absorbed with Literature. she is definitely unfolding a new world. Still, she has to improve her language in order to be able to appreciate Literature the most.

Act 1 Scene 5

I think that Frank may not want to see the play because he is not really interesting in the kind of actors who are going to perform it. Also, he may not want to get too much involved with Rita. I mean, I believe he wants to stay aloof . May be he is already feeling sth for her and so it would better if he doesn`t get so involved.

Act 1. Scenes 3 and 4

In these scenes we are encountered with Rita`s improvement. Her burning desire to be better than the ones who surround her makes her really stronger. Also, she realizes that studying is the key to success. As far as Frank is concerned, he just accompanies her. he makes her learn to take her own decisions . She has to make choices and his role is such a simple teacher who little by little will provide her with tools to be more independent .

lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2007

Act 1 Scene 2

Does Frank encourage Rita`s pursuit of knowledge or thwart it?

I guess it `s completely the other way about. It is Rita the one who encourages Frank to teach her. Yet, though Frank feels quite reluctant to help her, he feels deeply attracted to Rita and I believe that`s way he ends up teaching her.

What does she think about Frank`s room and about the proper students?

She considers that Frank`s room is a mess but the kind of mess that it`s just perfect. she would like to have a room like that someday.
as regards the proper students, she thinks they are the ones who attend classes regularly . they are the ones that read and study. Also, they are the ones who will have many more opportunities than she has.

Educating Rita

Act 1 Scene 1

How, precisely, can you tell from this first scene that Rita comes from a different social background to Frank?

One of the main hints is definitely her language, the way she addresses people, including Frank. the place where she works as well as the kinds of programmes she watches , like ITV as opposed to BBC.

Why does Rita want to study?

Personally, I think she wants to discover her real self. Also she wants to live a better life she knows she can do it.

What suggests you that she is not a stupid woman?

Her ambition. The way she thinks. The fact that she wants to improve tells us much of her personality. She lacks culture but she knows exactly how to get it.
End of the term assigment

Movie scene

Movie: Ron Clark`s story

Starring: Mathew Perry, Brandon Smith

Brief Sypnosis

Mr Clark, a primary teacher from North Carolina, moves to New York to start teaching at a primary school which has kids with serious behavioral problems. throughout the movie Mr Clark will struggle against the educational system and he will do his best to help children overcome their family problems as well as improve at school.


Shameiks Wallace is one of the most intelligent students in the class. She is really bright , however, she cannot cope with her school assigments because she has take care of her little siblings. one day Mr Clark gives her an essay to write. After that day Shameika starts being absent at school. So Mr Clark decides to go to her place to see what is happening to her. when he gets there Shameika explains him that she cannot do her homework because she has to look after her siblings. She also tells him that she has decided to drop out as she feels she cannot cope with so much responsability. Mr Clark feels really sorry for her and decides to help her with her the housechores so that she could finish her essay. When Shameika`s mother arrives she feels really upset to see that Mr Clark is taking her of her family and asks him to leave.


1- is this decision a human act?
2- is it a good decision?
3-What options were there available? what might they imply?

1- I believe that Mr Clark `s decision is a human act. it complies with the conditions an act must meet in order to be regarded as such in the field od Ethics.

* he is capable of reasoning.i.e. he can make sensible judgements. therefore he can assume and understand the consequences of what he is doing.
* he is not insane. So his act can perfectly be analysed from a moral point of view.
* there is consciousness is his act. that is to say, he is aware of what he is doing.
* he acts freely. I mean, he is free to make a decision. therefore he is not restrainded to do what he considers to be good for Shameika

2- The decision is considered to be morally good as it follows the three requirements a human act must gather in order to be considered it that way.

the action is good in itself: it follows the Ethics Universals of kindship and reciprocity. it assists and cares for others . In fact, Mr Clark`s decision is intended to benefit Shameika. As regards reciprocity, I think Mr Clark will also receive some rewards. I mean , he is challenging himself and if his students improve , he will have achieved his main goal.
it is also good intended. Mr Clark knows Shameika has great potential and he wants to help her exploit it.the only inconvenient is that maybe the circumnstances were not the most adequate ones. the fact that Mr Clark goes to Shameika`s house and gets in charge of the cooking doesn`t seem to be right, though. I mean his intentions are good but the means are not the most accurate ones.

3- Mr Clark could have talked to Shameika`s mother first and let her know about the situation. In that way Mr Clark would have helped Shameika without skipping her mother`s role.

domingo, 22 de abril de 2007

Savater´s first three chapters

During the first three chapters of Savater´s book "Ética para Amador" I have been trying to figure out a couple of terms that really set me thinking: choices-right or wrong-morally accepted or immoral,etc. All of them share implicitly the notion of Ethics. Every time a person makes a choice ,he/she is immediatedly judged by society and these judgements are based on the morality of their acts. What I`m trying to say is that Societies`acts are limited or conditioned by these basic terms and that no human act can avoid them. It doesn´t matter if we agree or not on what is right what is wrong , what is morally accepted or not . We´ll always be restricted in some way or other by the nature of these concepts and that is a relevant thing.

Savater´s first three chapters

During the first three chapters of Savater´s book "Ética para Amador" I have been trying to figure out a couple of terms that really set me thinking: choices-right or wrong-morally accepted or immoral,etc. All of them share implicitly the notion of Ethics. Every time a person makes a choice ,he/she is immediatedly judged by society and these judgements are based on the morality of their acts. What I`m trying to say is that Societies`acts are limited or conditioned by these basic terms and that no human act can avoid them. It doesn´t matter if we agree or not on what is right what is wrong , what is morally accepted or not . We´ll always be restricted in some way or other by the nature of these concepts and that is a relevant thing.

What is Ethics?

There is no such an easy answer. However, Ethics is present in every single aspect of our daily life. Every choice we make has in some way or other some kind of Ethical action,or hasn´t it?