miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2007

Programme of study

Question 5

Do you think Rita has gained or suffered as a result of her education?

I think Rita has experienced both. She has gained lots of things. First of all, she has gained a new life, knowdge, self-confidence among other things. Yet, in the process she has suffered a big deal. She has had to make decisions which of course were not easy to take. An as many important matters in life, making decisions can be difficult at times. Still, Ithink Rita gained a lot more than what she suffered.

1 comentario:

Gladys Baya dijo...

Just wondering: why do you say on the whole Rita has gained more than suffered, Lucía? Not that I disagree, I'd just like to know why you say so...

Do you think getting an education inevitably involves suffering? Or should teachers take steps to avoid that?
