martes, 13 de noviembre de 2007

Act 2 Scene 1

In this scene Rita comes back from her trip to London ( summer school). Here we can see a new Rita , a woman who has experienced life in a completly different way. Now she is surrounded by classy - as she calls them- people and she has been able to stand up for herslef for the first time. It is now that we can clearly distinguish this Rita from the one she used to be. She is more mature, self-confident with even a clear picture of what she wants and what doesn`t want for her life. On the other hand we see Frank who seems to be completely puzzled by Rita`s change.
He seems to be at a loss at times. In my opinion there are two important factors that may cause Frank`s attitude: on the one hand it can be difficult to accept that the person who used to dependent 100% on you has now started to be more independent. And on the other hand Frank`s life has been quite empty till Rita arrived. And now that she has started having new friends he may be jelous even scared that she might leave him making him feel empty again.

3 comentarios:

Gladys Baya dijo...

Hi Lucía!
You write: "Rita has been able to stand up for herself"... Has she indeed? I mean, what evidence is there that she is now "singing her own songs"? That her current life is any way better than the days when she'd spend her day with her husband and relatives?

As s teacher, is it right for Frank to be sorry about Rita's autonomy? What was it that Rita'd "brought to " Frank's life? What's happened to that by now?


lulilaiaka dijo...

I think so. Now, she is able to choose. She is able to make some critical comments about the books she reads, even to ask questions about the plays. I think she has developed a degree of independence that she has not had before. I do believe that this life is much better than the one she used to have with her husband. Maybe the word better is not the most accurate one but "different for the good".
Frank should feel happy about Rita`s achivements and not sorry. In fact, it is independence among other things what brought Rita to Frank`s life.And it is this what she is trying to develop.

Gladys Baya dijo...

I'd love to challenge you to answer the question "what evidence is there that she is now 'singing her own songs'"? with direct references from the play, Lucía...

Do you accept the challenge,